short film by Olga Sasplugas, Tristán Pérez-Martín and Gabriel Schmitz, combining real footage with hand drawn low-fi charcoal animation. Spain, 2021, 10 min.
Second of a series of events as part of the exhibition Personal Structures, organized by the European Cultural Centre in the Palazzo Mora, Venice, with the support of House of Arts, Salzburg, Austria. A film by Chiara Becattini.
First of a series of events as part of the exhibition Personal Structures, organized by the European Cultural Centre in the Palazzo Mora, Venice, with the support of House of Arts, Salzburg, Austria. Filmed by Sascha Chimenti.
a short film by Mercè Rodriguez,
a painting by Gabriel Schmitz
Dec. 2015
for short-term news, work in progress etc.
(representing the artist in France since 2000)
(representing the artist in Norway since 2013)
(art gallery showing the artist's work on a regular basis since 1999)